Best Matchmaking Service –
Give us a call now at: (844) 489-LOVE

Elite Matchmaking Services


Elite matchmaking services for elite singles with Destin & RachelIt is time to get your Love Life back on track with tailored elite matchmaking services from VIP Love Introductions to personalized Matchmaking and Coaching.

Destin & Rachel have spent years as elite matchmakers from their time with Bravo's hit series Millionaire Matchmaker and with their internationally renowned VIP Love Introductions & Matchmaking service, they have had the privilege of helping many people take back control of their love lives while finding fun and meaningful relationships.  


Life takes up most of our time so for many there is too little time spent on finding love or building a relationship.  With the waste of time of bars and clubs, to the impersonality of online dating, this is where Destin & Rachel's VIP Love Introductions provide the ideal alternative; blending technology with the personalized "human" touch, making both matching and meeting the kind of someone you really want to be with, something you have the time and desire to do.  


For many who have never used an Elite Matchmaking service before or who've never benefited by personalized VIP Love Introductions, there are commonly a myriad of questions which come to mind.   As Consumer Affairs Accredited matchmakers, Destin, Rachel, and Mallory are able to answer your questions and run you through the ease and personalization of their services.  With a 99% success and satisfaction rate of all clients polled they are used to bringing a very strong personal commitment to each client.  


VIP Love Introductions:

VIP Love Introductions connect you with matches that are based on personal preferences and desires, aesthetics, personality, and a myriad of other aspects.  Having a team of professional VIP matchmakers behind you and an array of fantastic matches, you will be that much closer to taking back control of Love in your life.   Online dating for professionals has become more time consuming and less effective.  Our approach is one of real world, one-on-one, personalized connections.  


Being matchmakers for business professionals who have little time or interest in online dating sites, swipe-apps or the old bar scene, it is the personal attention and successful methodology which makes it an elite matchmaking service and a more exclusive type of matchmaking agency

For More on our Elite Matchmaking and VIP Love Introductions: click here or call (818) 666-4256 


Elite Matchmakers near you.  Our VIP matchmaking services are nationwide.




"They saved my love life. Like someone else on here I tried another matchmaker. I was switched around, sent on wrong dates and felt like I didn’t matter, just being serviced. With hesitation I came to Love And Matchmaking. I only ever spoke to two people. They took care of me, listened to me, and found me a beautiful match. I travel globally and needed someone to understand that. She did. I’m happy. These people are the way to go. Thank you."    

- Neal - Boca, FL





More on our Elite Matchmaking Services


What is the difference between a real Matchmaker and so-called Matchmaker, Dating Service or Dating Site or App?

As a Top-Rated Matchmaking Service reviewed on Consumer Affairs, we provide relationship-focused love introductions and hands-on, tailored matches in order to find truly wonderful and meaningful relationships.  Our focus on finding love and not "dates" along with our dedication and experience is why we have  95% Success Rate*. We are not an online dating service, but actual Matchmakers who utilize many years of experience to find real and honest love for our clients. We match based on your criteria from physical appearance and attraction to religion and education, moral and societal views, wants and desires, success, hobbies and passions, life & time constraints and much more. 

We are exclusive, involved and we care deeply about our work. We have an extremely successful approach to matching; offering a more intensive and personal process than others. Our focus is NOT database dating, but FINDING the right one for you. This is your life, and we take it seriously using our three core values…compassion, understanding and integrity.

How our Matchmaking is truly different:

We work with our clients to learn who they are and what they seek. We help to build confidence and we support you the entire way; all while keeping your information private and confidential.

There are a number of things which are vital to successfully matching individuals and they include trust, experience and ability.   As our clients open up to us about their personal wants, desires, personal experiences, finances and private information, it is our absolute commitment to the privacy and security of that information which makes us among the most highly-reputable and trusted matchmaking services in the Country.  We do not ever share personally-identifiable-information (PII) or any other private information with any third-parties.    

We have more than 20 years of combined hands-on, elite matchmaking expertise that we have a successfully helped 95% of our clients to find matches which they themselves told us made them happy.  This is no small number, nor is it a small task.  The hands-on, highly targeted and customized approach that we use in both getting to know our clients and their potential matches, as well as our ability to attract, screen and pre-qualify amazing, attractive, warm and wonderful people whom we match our clients with, offers us an advantage over most services from so-called matchmakers to dating services and apps. 

How do we use technology to make matches?

In today’s world of technology it seems that it is easy to get caught up in gadgets and gimmicks or to let technology solve our problems.  That is what makes us different.  We are not an assembly-line turning out matches by the dozens to keep our clients busy dating.   We utilize technology to augment our hands-on services.    We have developed an extremely advanced and completely customized data-processing and mining system called our Human Enhanced Algorithm (“HEA”).  The HEA takes the data you and potential matches provide, as well as subtle factors which are entered in personally to “train” the HEA to place more or less importance on certain aspects, which allows the HEA to provide initial potentials based on real-world and highly-targeted input.  The “training” of the HEA by human-input and the way in which we use these virtual-recommendations bring the human element back to the forefront.   We then take these HEA pre-qualifications and blend them with our own human pre-qualifications and further qualify the potentiality of a match.  Although the HEA can match you against thousands of individuals based on dozens of highly varied and specified criteria; it is no replacement, but merely an augmentation of the real matching, which absolutely requires highly-experienced, committed and personally-engaged Matchmakers to successfully match you with one who may be the one you’ve been hoping and searching for. 


What does “elite” mean to us?

For most matchmaking services, the term elite is a term used (and often abused) to refer to the clientele that they are selling and for many it is to entice people who are looking to date or marry a wealthy individual.  Although our clients are successful and rely upon us for one of the most important aspects in life, ones love-life, we see the term as referring to the level of quality that our clients desire and require for such an important aspect of their lives. We are highly skilled, experienced and successful Matchmakers who offer the best and truly the most real matchmaking services among our industry.  We have strived to build not only the hands-on human-element of our matchmaking but also we have tapped industry experts to work hand-in-hand with us to develop the technology to enhance our finely tuned process.   

Our clients love-life comes first and foremost.

We are not selling Ferraris or mansions.  We don’t sell anything.  We are more like a top-attorney or a specialist doctor whom you rely upon in times where you need one and because of your dedication to your own success you can afford the best.  But love and relationships are not cars and homes.  With us you can seek the assistance of an elite team of professionals so you’re no longer alone… in the end all that matters is LOVE, just like your health, it is something we need, as humans, in order to thrive.

Every one pushes models, sex, money, know it all “experts” – it’s a loud drone of similarity… here we offer a place where you can truly rely on people you can trust with something as delicate as your love-life, which is just as important as your physical life, your mental life, your business life... it is your emotional life and emotional wellbeing.

Don’t leave it in the hands of fancy car salesmen.  Rely on experts who have built their own success by doing exactly that… finding love where our clients have not had the time or good fortune to do so. 

Give us a call or click below to reach out to us by email.  We are happy to answer any questions you might have.  


Click here or call (818) 666-4256 to get your love-life where it should be.



LoveAndMatchmaking in the Press:

When Online Dating Becomes the Antidote to Social Distancing.


LoveAndMatchmaking Media:

Destin & Rachel join KTLA 5 with tips on Dating
Online and Choosing the Best Date Spots.

Love and Matchmaking on First Date Locations - YouTube - Opens in a new tab


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